Do you think the Lucky feat is boring, especially for streamed games? Don’t think it’s boring, but I also haven’t had everyone in my groups taking it to the point of abuse.
I can definitely see how some folks are over it.
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) June 6, 2019
It just kind of feels like cheating to me, since it’s not super flavorful? But also I’m considering it for a Level 20 Tabaxi, so that could be cool. If we’re taking Fighting Style: Archery as not cheating, Lucky gets a pass from me. 😂
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) June 6, 2019
Feats are strange. Lucky is actually something more along the lines of what I would assume feats will become, since a lot of feats are becoming class features. having feats be more for the players than the PCs could be cool. They can definitely slip back and forth across that line, yeah. Sharpshooter is a PC thing, Lucky or Savage Attacker is a player thing.
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) June 6, 2019
I feel like the ideal feat is something that allows you to “break” the rules slightly, and do things that are a bit unusual and different (without being crazy), that the “average” character isn’t able to do normally.
Typically feats are a way for a player to better customize their character in a specific and detailed way, allowing them to both specialize and differentiate their character from the other characters around them.
For example…
You take Alert when you want to be the member of your party who has heightened senses and always seems to be one step ahead of danger.
You take Athlete when you want to be the member of your party who can climb and leap to places your companions can’t quite reach (or at least, not as easily).
You take Keen Mind when you want to be the member of the party who never gets lost, nevers loses track of time, and has a photographic memory.
You take Mobile when you want to be the member of the party who can run faster than everyone else, take hazardous paths safely, and weave through combat.
You take Sharpshooter when you want to be the member of the party who is a crack shot who can bullseye even the most challenging targets.
And you take Lucky when you want to be the member of the party who gets into situations that look really bad, but then manage to slip away miraculously.
Is it cheating? Hardly!
Is getting a +5 bonus to initiative cheating? Is being able to climb at full speed cheating? Is being able to perfectly remember important information that neither the character or their player wrote down cheating? Is getting a free Disengage against anything you attack in melee cheating? Is being able to hit a two meter wide thermal exhaust with a proton torpedo to cause a chain reaction which blows up the Death Star cheating?
Players are not their characters. A scrawny player is allowed to play a big strong character. A clumsy player is allowed to play a graceful character. A forgetful player is allowed to play a character with a flawless memory.
So why shouldn’t a player who has terrible luck in real life rolling dice be allowed to play a character who has much better luck than they do?