@JeremyECrawford Does a Goliath's "Stone's Endurance" factor in before or after resistances?
— Emmanuel Acosta (@EmmanuelBAcosta) August 17, 2016
Check out the rule on resistance (PH, 197). Resistance & then vulnerability come after other mods. to damage #DnD https://t.co/vYo8QHOfoa
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) August 17, 2016
@EmmanuelBAcosta You're welcome!
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) August 17, 2016
would you see how much damage you would take before using stones endurance?
i.e. DM “you take 5 damage.” player “ok, i will take that.”
DM “you take 25 damage.” player ” alright i will stones endurance to take off some.”
or more like DM” you are fall 30ft and hit the gound, you take(picks up dice)….” player ” i will stones endurance ” roll ( 7+ 3= 10) DM” ok you take (roll 3d6; 1,1,1 = 3) total of nothing ”
with the exception of landing on your feet from a 30ft fall {page 183 phb} [like a Badass] that seems like it would have been ok just taking it.