Does that mean WotC would contemplate a psionics system separately? For a setting like Dark Sun, perhaps?
— Alphastream (@Alphastream) November 30, 2019
When you say “psionics system,” what are you imagining? We have found that new fans have no desire for such a thing and long-time fans often have mutually exclusive desires for such a thing. So I need to know that you mean before I can give a useful answer.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) November 30, 2019
I was a little confused by the inclusion of a wizard subclass instead of a sorcerer blood line. other than arguing which mental stat psionics belongs under, it seems to fit the sorcerer model better, it starts at level one, is more flexible based on your focus, etc.
— Michael Phillips (@roninkakuhito) November 30, 2019
Sorcerers are a great fit for psionic-themed powers. Take a look at the Aberrant Mind sorcerer for one of the ways psionics can manifest in a sorcerer: #DnD
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) November 30, 2019
Each of those editions had a different psionics system. Which one is your favorite?
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) November 30, 2019
I may be misunderstanding. It sounded like you were saying this UA was focused on subclasses, but that you might use a different system/approach for a psionic class. You’ve just touched on the complexity of the issue. Some people mean “psionic class” when talking about a psionic system, while others mean a general system for all psionics in the game. And those latter people often mean mutually exclusive systems.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) November 30, 2019