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Dove Falconhand, Tharsult , magic in large cities and Elven noble Houses Special guest Eric Boyd – Mages&Sages by Ed Greenwood ep13

sages interview with the old mage with

special guest Eric Boyd in George

crashes before we get started with the

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edited and put out for ready to enjoy

all right not any further ado here is

episode 13


any story or legend concerning the

figure of Rio thourough of the blades

that you’d like to know about

that’s a foreman pseudonym of Doug

Falcon hand of the Seven Sisters she

used that I think when she was in her

younger adventuring phase and it’s

mentioned in the Seven Sisters accessory

as I recall but it’s only a mention

there’s no really real information as to

what Doug got up to when she was really

of the blades had you got it into see on

that one guess

wait if you’re gonna stay in Diego go

back get another glass yes

that’s tokeep yeah I go and get another

glass no actually I did actually write a

long sword & Sworcery novella before TSR

acquired the realms which had some of

her adventures and a certain person at

TSR read it and said oh my god we can

never publish this because think of a

think of conan sexed up with a female

lead and think of what TSR was

publishing back then and there

worrying about teenage teenagers and the

teenagers mothers and fathers from from

heck as as James Ward used coal so yeah

they just would so it is NDA but it’s

not NDA because we don’t it’s because

the devale of proprietary gut drawn over

that because I was having great fun

doing swordplay and humor and such

things as you know the Guardsmen lost

opened the bedchamber door and rage

where the blades decides that the easy

way to flee them because she doesn’t

want to fight them in her current state

of complete lack of dress and so on is

to take the entire bed that she’s

occupying with two or three other people

at the time and fling it through the

window and ride it to the courtyard

below and that all of those pratfalls

that you’ve seen in many musketeers

movies involving you know swinging on

ropes and draperies and and on Pirates

of the Caribbean in the movie since


that sort of unintentional or or labored

intentional hilarity space you know

where there’s pratfalls going on people

almost getting guillotined or almost

getting hanged and not quite and all the

rest of it okay I did tons of that sort

of stuff and it they weren’t ready for

it back then so I Raider just got

quietly um put in a file drawer and the

file drawer with slip the check this one

edits directed from you but I imagine

everybody can jump in on this it’s from

Eric Todd yes what can you tell us about

the island of darcel or the capital

urban within the shining sea he says

aside from the wiki the most I can seem

to find detailing cárcel in any capacity

is a candlekeep forum post from 2006

that explains it was once a lizard man

kingdom but the lizard men have

retreated into the Underdark via the

hundreds of limestone tunnels that

honeycomb the island he says he’d be

very interested in more details on this

island and he’s currently running a

seafaring campaign with the shining sea

region so I know that we’re probably

gonna get the NBA hammer dropped on this

but you other guys come on now we can

work with this I I can I can maybe start

while edx’s email go I have it out in

front of me I’m loaded for bear with

this foot but go okay you only hurt when

I go first

yeah go ahead all right so context right

so Stephen wrote up Callum sham Lake

esteem this is back in 1370 timeframe or

I guess earlier than that when Stephen

was writing and we sort of got the lands

to the north and when we were writing up

serpent kingdoms you know we kind of did

that whole eastern side of the shining

sea down to the southern side and thar

still kind of stuck right there in the

middle I always intended to write it up

but never quite got to it but II did

share a whole lot of lower back in the

day around that but before we get into

that the preview would be that there are

little mentions of thar salt scattered

around in a bunch of very obscure


they include of course there is a little

bit about the activities of the coiled

cable which is a wanti organization and

there they’re influenced parcels in the

serpent kingdoms box are booked in races

of faroan there’s a discussion of the

fact that our salt is of the majority of

the human population comes from the

tassel our and most of the humans of the

tassel are have gradually succumbed to

the serpent races and so the culture

around our salt in a sense is a

rejection of that of that in breeding

with them so you get a little bit of

information there in laces of faroan

there’s also a couple others as well

there is sorry where is it oh yeah back

in the original second edition Waterdeep

product in a brief mention in in the

third edition city of splendors water

deep as well is a brief discussion of

the may raw the Marin family who married

into the island family they are from

tarsals and were known to breed watch

spiders which are in not uncommon use in

the city of splendors so those are some

of the more obscure references and then

I’d take it away oh boy here we go

thanks George for for sending me back

the file but let me start with the quick

overview the quick overview is what is

star Sol okay it’s an island

strategically located in the middle of

the shining sea and it’s a crossroads

it’s a bank and the realms equivalent of

a stock exchange and a neutral trading

ground for many merchants it has an

arrangement with certain elves to defend

it with their spell jamming ships if

need be and it has many subterranean

vaults and granaries granaries and

vaults being chambers in all of those


the major docks are at capital Pervez

far salt has more wealth in or under it

than just about anywhere else in the

realms but many folk are interested in

seeing that it stays safe so that new

school ground I talked about holds firm

it’s understood that if you attack our

assault or try a high beast from tar

salt you are dead as a traitor in a


from that moment on all across the

repels so aside from the denizens of the

Underdark or other planes nobody will

think of trying so it’s not a place that

pirates show up and raid all the time

okay our salt seems to have guardian

dragons of its own to fight such threats

not to mention death tyrants and other

unsavory and powerful guardians down in

some of the subterranean areas that’s

the quickie overview and now all the

stuff I wrote up my god we’ll be here

all night if I read it all should i what

do you do your worst buddy okay so here

we go

are you ready no one is the Isle of

spices is a great trading center we’re

in much of the bulk goods and coins

involved in trading around the shining

sea and sward coasts naval trading as

far north as mint iron and water deep

change hands so thir soul functions as a

tolerant neutral ground for merchants

trading in slaves drugs and just about

anything everything else once a lizard

folk realm later conquered by seafaring

humans it’s long been known as the place

where merchants trade flourishes in the

shining sea kept free of piracy along

with all the surrounding waters within

sight of it by the Pirates themselves

because as the Pirates needed access to

all mainland goods not just what they

could seize her from ships and so they

supported and fostered the safe haven

for all far salt is adjacent to the

undersea aquatic or elven realm of all

moth AUM are au th on Roth which are

Sultan traders covertly trade for

undersea delicacies in various local

cloves by night and is a rocky and

heavily forested Island think real world

northern Italy or Tuscany in some places

of that has been left natural on its

cliffs rising steeply from the sea

western side and it’s shoal rocks girded

southeastern shore and that’s of course

where any surviving

can be found the rest of thar salt has

been almost entirely built over in steep

terraces of stucco face stone homes that

abound in flat rooftop gardens balconies

and small turrets these walled garden

homes and tall warehouses cluster around

stone and sarthe and Sarkis crabgrass

stone and South streets that rise

usually in spiral like roots from the

many harbors notably those in the three

largest and busiest coves that lie side

by side on its northern shore on therm

au n th you are our chaste all see a a t

st al CH a sta o and zu ana Z or Z o

a and a these mu rigs and their

settlement share place names as does the

largest harbor of thar salt southern

coast to number two un um be AR to

number smaller coves often have map

names and different names used by local

Mariners which allows thar Sultan’s to

discuss smuggling and covert landings

and meetings in front of Outlanders who

may well mistake which codes are being

discussed of old sour salt had quite a

reputation for smuggling thanks to ship

dashing from various shining sea ports

to the island to trade cargoes with

pirate parrots and other ships before

naval vessels could catch up to and

board them and such activities were

aided by the many sea caves that

honeycomb the coasts of the Isle of

spices curious visitors are warned that

most of these caves are now in regular

used as docks and warehouses merchants

who dwell above them and keep watch over

them as well as of course breath all of

the four largest harbors are home to

large and capable shipyards which repair

vessels and build many new ones our

sultan crafters also produce sales wire

fine chain and metal fastenings the Isle

of spices is also home to many

accomplished forgers and counterfeiters

often outlaws who fled from authorities

in various mainland realms who produce

many false coins indistinguishable from

real currencies for assaults nickname is

derived from its hosting one of the

largest spice mark

no ninfa room several vintners bring

shiploads of raw wine to thurso for

blending and fortifying into the oily

salty black wine Sherri’s and liqueurs

and the Emerald huge sin tothen s int AV

VI n sin tavern which is a mint flavored

palate cleansing drink favored by few

but used in large feasts in kalin-san

and around the shining sea to clear the

tongue between dishes of strong but

clashing flavors so in real world terms

think of having a nice drink of

mouthwash or toothpaste in water in

between dishes courses you’re eating and

the long feast almost anything could be

bought sold or traded in thar salt where

wealth is king nominally ruled by a

merchant council established centuries

ago to put it into thieving gangs and

piracy buy such prominent rich merchant

families as the once famous stars family

sta RT H start family a human clan of

fabled wealth now possibly extinct see L

minsters ever winking I number 79 on its

now policed by belters clergy of joaquín

of the lowest ranks usually ambitious

and attentive priests seeking to prove

themselves who lead small patrols of

highly paid mercenary

warriors around the island to primarily

do three things

keep order stopping violence and

property crimes such as theft scuttling

of ships arson and vandalism maintain

fairness of trade stopping bribery

cheating coercion and secret deals

defined as any arrangement that affects

wider market prices and conditions but

is kept secret from other traders such

as price-fixing

arrangements of scarcities and favorable

prices to insiders note that these are

legal if declared openly and prevent

gang operations of all kinds from secret

trade deals such as here we go again

price-fixing arrangement of scarcities

in favorable prices to insiders whether

secret are openly declared these are

illegal when they involve more than

to merchants and firms wholly owned by

those two merchants among cabal’s to

battles between mercantile organizations

kidnapping on fire salt is automatically

considered gang operations and no thar

Sultan can be sold into slavery or

traded as a slave in short if merchants

avoid thievery overt violence and unfair

dealing they can very much do as they

please in particular free speeches of

Hell on fire salt folk can’t with

impunity talk openly of arranging

killings civil wars coos and illicit

acts on the mainland and against

priesthoods the name belter comes from

the distinctive belts adorned with a row

of three hand sized diamond shape plates

of metal which is the unofficial badge

of thir soul sometimes seen in the form

of banners displaying three copper hue

diamonds on a crimson field and the

belters all report to tables and tables

are trios of experienced our Sultan’s of

good character usually retired

successful merchants who in turn report

to the council it’s well known that the

council pays belters very well and pays

undercover spies to watch the builders

and any merchants who seem interesting

as well even better

so treachery against council by those

working for it is typically punished by

chopping off a hand for the first events

and either slavery or death first second

typical punishments for those who have

bitch Libre Clause is to be beaten by

some belters and find increasingly

heavily xio is usually the ultimate

punishment although death awaits those

who poison others the council is said to

have 14 open members and another seven

hidden members who travel frequently

around our salt observing conditions and

intrigues and making recommendations to

their fellows the council votes to

establish policies sometimes in public

but more often in secret meetings and

thar Sultan’s widely believe the council

is controlled by sinister hidden ones

who are either powerful Archmage’s

horrific monsters or cabal’s of mainland

rulers or pirates depending on which

local legend one beliefs carved

statuettes seldom taller

the length of a man’s forearm were used

as local currency in past centuries and

are still honoured unfold our salt but

most visiting traders prefer to use

trade bars coins and gems health’s used

for the making of fur garments both are

salt and crafters and by workers in

realms that trade with shippers who call

it fair salt and docks are also locally

valued highly enough and a fairly stable

prices to serve as widely accepted

barter currency on the island and then

there are the aforementioned alloy

plaques that we talked about earlier in

the podcast languages abound on our salt

but common is understood by all and

inhabitants are so interpret that

there’s no longer any norm of skin hue I

or hair color or even human pure blood

appearance as a result tolerance for a

very wide variety of personal appearance

dress and customs is high and white

spread serpent related being the notable

exception many thar Sultan’s are

fabulously wealthy locally pursuing

one’s dreams or remaining true to one’s

own principles among the many many

intrigues and schemes is what’s valued

most highly amongst our Sultan’s born

and bred popular male given names

include blamed Korth Darmon ender hello


Hallman jars Arthur Harris are Rollem

turth and Vorlon popular female first

names Alice Balala coral Duffner EV

entre Phaedra gallery Clarice nayoon Oh

Lara eunsuh and gsella P popular

surnames Corle aunt grace Coulomb Montez

Norlin on trim Kwan’s roar a der stadt

and wealth and no I’m not spelling all

those out we’ll have to find some other

way of making all those available with

the full spelling there is no way I’m

making you sit there for another 20

minutes okay first time will be struck

by its wealth

crowded conditions ceaseless deal-making

and mercantile

better and it’s exotic and by exotic I

mean think real world Hollywood images

of hari’s dancing girls displayed in

many taverns and inns by slavers looking

to make on the spot saddles far salts

also famous for being the place to buy

stolen shifts trade charts of anywhere

in the world usually very reliable

if fragmentary bottled scents and

treasure maps notoriously fanciful these

treasure maps owned by the way the

dancing girls aren’t there just for show

they are the eyes and ears of the

proprietor they listen to what’s going

on and they quite often by sight rating

on what they learn either selling it

directly or making their own deals on

the basis that they do very well for

there’s a recent rumor a reclusive mage

of fire salt who’s been magically

augmenting and breeding creatures lizard

folk or is this the source of it super

gargoyle is slain by his creations which

run amok stowing away aboard ships and

causing general mayhem in the Isle of

spices which serves most Sword Coast

shipping as a neutral ground supply

refitting and trading base of course the

mage had apprentice isms some of them

are missing along with some of the

Augmented creatures searches don’t

uncover these vanished beings or any of

the mages magic except a large network

of gates opening his doors from a round

room of trauma the mages tower and

leading to all sorts of places in the

realms various power groups desiring to

control these gates as a swift cargo

trading slash message conveying network

fight to possess them hiring adventurers

and more adventures as the struggle

rages on and I also have a tiny little

entry on the island that you’ll see on

the maps east of our salt Umbara

embarras named for a sorceress who fled

from the altar to avoid an arranged

marriage she feared and aided centuries

ago and she dwelt on this island in

hiding until her death the ruins of her

cave home are haunted by her off scene

restlessly watching the living in

silence apparition the island was once

home to many world goats said to be

descended from beasts that she brought

there but these were hunted almost to

extinction by passing pirates and

sailors several wealthy merchants

rumored to be pirates or part of fel

secret conspiracies are said to

now be settling Umbara and building

palatial fortresses there Umbara has no

cities or sizeable settlements but does

have many springs caves trees breakneck

ravines and small inlets can serve as

good single ship harbours and there we

are hopefully that’s enough so you can

use darcel in your campaign no wait

there’s more aha for folks who are

really desperate for more references

there is an obscure reference in the

men’s Oberon’s and box set to a city

called Marilyn which is a drow city of

the south that is below the ocean floor

to the west of far salt and appears on

the map of the Underdark in grits two

wardens guide to the underdog and it

just for attacking a drow city of the

north Joel Joel chicken something like

that that’s probably not it wait wait

some time ago that’s why I like Joe

chicken let’s do that we’re talking

about chicken earlier so I think it

might be just south can but anyway yeah

we’re gonna go with Joel chicken since

we’re talking about money one other

point to bring up is there is a cow site

trade bar you also used in parcel – Luda

Natasha lar and other southern trade

that is 7 inches long but both sides by

boat long sides both smoothly in word

half an inch on either end making the

bar easier to grip that’s worth about 25

GP so you will find those in parcels as

well and that is a reference from power

of a room and then the last thing I

wanted to mention is there’s an obscure

reference from prayer

from the faithful about a church of

Amberleigh known that was once known as

the Church of the deeps which was once

the mightiest temple of um burly in the

realms but it’s now no more than a

sacred room to which umberland clergy

make pilgrimages and that was led by one

jurist and before the the Church of the

deeps was destroyed so there’s a few

other sites for you to include as well

because it wasn’t enough and Ed’s

summary so Eric Eric that duh that I’m

really ruined is that is that something

that’s on par salt yes it is okay a

northerner so southern part of the

island it’s on the west coast the the

rocky cliffs to the west coast and it’s

in a cavern on the west coast so further

near the drought City that’s hiding

underneath the sea Oh any any any way

they can go into that to pay pilgrimage

and then make it into the Underdark

there’s always a way into the end that’s

true why lad that was incredible both

you Eric

sorry I think I think when this podcast

finally hits YouTube I might upload that

file onto your thread at candlekeep ed

so people can access that and get all

the spellings right etcetera etcetera

yeah a good idea um we should convert it

from RTF to work and fix the firoun

because it doesn’t like the bu with the

accent or something weird oh no problem

you know what you could put that part on

there just the mages and sages podcast

you can put two there too if you want

yeah please do oh and I should add a

promise of getting into the Underdark

from the ruined um Burley temple if you

are oh let’s just use the word stupid

enough to move the altar like a big

stone block altar and which is carved

into like an open shell shape and try

and see if there’s something buried

underneath it gravity will help you get

into the under right then right there my

god silly helps you get out of the under


I mean you are their brief we had just

enough to say it’s dark you dead okay so

let’s move on as wonderful as that was I

almost hate hate to do it I’ve got one

here from the woolly Rupert over on

candlekeep one of the moderators he says

in 100 starts eating Eric we’ve already

been told of tales of IDI singing and

dancing like cher we don’t need that

right now he says do what nothing sorry

go ahead

say it would be will either that’s true

in a major city of the realms like water

deep where there is gold to waste magic

for it to be wasted on one of the

cosmetic applications of magic in the

sunlight something that would probably

go more toward the nobility in water

deep for example magic hairdos and

coloring magic formal wear magic

faceless tummy tucks boob jobs and how

is this regarded by others the short

answer is those lucky bastards look what

they’ve got many my stuff kek kind of

reminds me of the hole i forgot the name

of the movies now but were the girl on

fire in those name in a minute we’re off

the people in the city the capital city

had money to waste on them on all this

stuff now is it kind of like water deep

nobility when they can make hairdos

change colour by the by the hour or

maxwell football where that that has

fairy fire running across it yeah many

of the nobles do it would actually have

all that much money left but you should

always remember that in water deep this

is a crossroad city where lots of people

are coming and bringing their money all

the time and there is a guild

Wizards you know the watchful order

mages and protectors and they do a lot

of this stuff has sort of look what you

could have our members can do this for a

mere fill in the blank so there’s

there’s people walking around as

examples of that all the time and one of

my favorite examples that I’ve used in

role playing in the realms for literally

40 years a real time is ladies of

shorter stature who have huge piled high

hairdos that are magically kept in place

and that move so that tresses sinuously

move and reshape into other forms as a

sort of living sculpture as they walk

along I would add that there are lots of

I have the feeling that it’s partly L

Minister’s fault it’s probably mostly

Volos fault but you know adventurers

tend to focus on the magics that are

useful for combat for divination for

observation and and and miss some of the

smaller things and just like some of the

faith’s of the realms that are very

important like the the church of shantia

but you know the focus is on you know

the Church of being Church of Tempest

the Church of Mike Straub but the Church

of Santi and many respects plays a very

important role in the common life and I

think the same is true for magic items

there’s a really cool spell in Volos

guide to the north that Edie wrote

called Moonglow

which just allows you to leave like

these permanent little magical glowing

lights and I don’t think we’ve seen

enough of those type of magics

that are just useful and practical but

not necessarily for adventures more for

people who are just living their lives

and I suspect there are a lot of those

little practical magics and magic items

as well both amongst those ood and even

to some extent amongst the commoners as

well yeah you’d see a lot of moonglow’s

of various custom hues used in nobles

Gardens for late at night because you

want to walk out and set them to the you

know get some fresh air you don’t want

to be carrying around lanterns or having

to wake up a servant when you can just

walk out there and

Moonglow is room waiting another place

you would find moonglow’s is in the high

forest there’s not very many paths on

the forest floor

but Tana 10 of Endor which is the name

for the various wood elf clans have

created these trails through the

treetops where they woven different

branches from tree to tree together and

you can run along the branches and hop

from tree to tree and go miles this way

without being down on the dangerous

forest floor and many of those 10 of

Endor trails are lit by moon glows as

well so that’s that’s where you see more

common uses of magic is things like how

do we light a trail how do we how do we

keep the food fresh how do we keep the

milk from spoiling that sort of thing as

well but most adventurers and you know

public fabulous like whoa whoa don’t

tend to focus in on those little things

as much as the big you know smash things

blow things up block things kind of

smells they just want the fireball

exactly yeah right right and to use a to

use a useful real-world thing let us

assume in the realms you are in a place

that is you consider fairly safe there

aren’t tons of walls or other monsters

at night or brigands bandits who will be

attracted to a light and therefore call

you and call you into danger there is a

real-world thing called leapfrogging if

you’re ever in the woods at night or in

fog or mist on a lake or whatever and

you’re trying to follow a direction and

not get lost and you have a compass or a

good map you spend one party member with

the glow the lantern or the magical glow

you send them ahead as far as they can

get and you can still see them and then

you yelled for them no to the left to

the right to the left until they’re

right on the compass fairy and then you

all go to join them and then you send

them out again this is called leap

frogging and it’s how you don’t get lost

in the woods with lots of trees and the

ground going up and down and you’re

caught in it in the dark and you want to

get out the other side and not

something and not get lost forever

that’s how you do it

so like don’t tell somebody took you

here now the drought do that with with

their ferry fire and stuff mm-hmm the

ostentatious display of power but in

core man an in Cormier or in water deep

I could see that being where you go into

a luscious garden of a noble and as you

walk the path lights as you go that’s

right did I just head you know and as

you step on the stones they light up

different colors and and then they get

these sparkly things that float up just

to give you joy you know and I think I

think it’s kind of what well you don’t

forget the ghost harps yes mm-hmm

that’s kinda guess what what Willie was

was talking about you know to show to

show power to show money mean if they

don’t have any I mean not to know

abilities still gonna hide under the God

under the you know that they still have

money but they may not have it but they

still want to put on those airs oh sure

and and if you have a house that’s a

mansion in water deep that’s pretty

shabby because you don’t have money to

put it to keep it up and you’re gonna

have guests over well you want the magic

to make it look grand so to cover the

cracks in the walls and the falling

plaster is all right no absolutely

absolutely that’s I think that’s kind of

way I see it

nothing is what he was talking about

ostentatious knows that snare gonna go

away until they absolutely have no money

mm-hm okay so I think it’s time Eric

this is for you to delve into our

question bike Isis that was sent about

the Elven noble houses okay so yes this

this all stems from a conversation I had

with Edie about five years ago

and is informed by a couple other

sources particularly some of the novels

by rich Baker and troy denning so I

think it’s a mistake to think about

elephant noble houses as equivalent to

human houses you know normally you think

of human noble families is being

affiliated with a specific realm and all

the houses really aren’t necessarily

affiliated with a specific realm they

also tend to exist for a very very long


George and I have been delving into a

variety of elven houses you know in some

respects you can almost think of an

elven house is a small extremely

long-lived organization with blood ties

the elven houses also tend to be far

more common amongst the the moon elves

and the gold elves but you know just

like you know Harvard thinks its

superior to Princeton the gold L house

is of course offering themselves

superior to the moon outhouses there are

even a few wood elf houses or at least a

were around the time of Mick drama but

those are relatively uncommon and

usually have unique stories so within

the gold elf and Moon elf sub-races

there’s really an elaborate society

built on the concept of noble houses and

each house is founded on a bloodline and

either goes extinct or dormant if all

blood members of the house are dead or

missing and unlike humans you know elven

nobility does not necessarily convey

ownership of land or sovereignty or does

it imply any duty to the realm and many

elven houses are in fact spread across

multiple realms and and and they’re more

loyal in some respects to their house

than they are to the realm that they

live in rather such privileges and

obligations are considered separately

from once noble status although most

leadership in moon or gold elf society

are commonly given to member to members

of the nobility and historically many of

the elven noble houses have spanned as I

said one or more elven kingdoms and it’s

the weird thing is elven nobility is not

a concept that can be revoked by any

given elder elven ruler although a

particular elven ruler can grant it so

once an established coronel has granted

the charter of nobility to a noble house

that house is then noble even if its

members spread across multiple elven

realms that may or may not be closely

aligned and the only means that noble

status can be revoked is either through

the Elvin Court which is now disbanded

or possibly Queen Amla rule of ever meat

might be able to have a voice there as

well and the members of the open house

can this is one thing that makes it

complicated just because you’re a member

of an elven house doesn’t necessarily

mean you’re in Noble so the Elva house

consists of both the nobles of the

bloodline and the servitors employed by

nobles the house and each elven house

has different rules as to which races

are permitted to be members of that

particular house or like do we do we

allow half-bloods of the bloodline to be

members of the house do we allow humans

to be servitors of the house

so it kind of varies from house to house

as well and then all elven houses have a

certain status although the house status

varies over time based on the alliances

feuds the size and wealth of a house etc

and as well the number of affiliated

houses the deeds or misdeeds of

individual members of the house whether

the house possesses a moon blade even if

it’s dormant the number of high mages in

the house influences status as well as I

mentioned earlier goal health houses

traditionally of higher status and

comparable moon health houses but such

distinctions are more legacy at the gold

elven houses having a longer ancestry on

average then necessarily the racial

disparity you can label an elven house

is either greater or lesser based on

whether or not they have affiliated

houses and those affiliated houses are

known as steps s EPTs and all whether

they are an affiliated house themselves

so a house with no steps is usually

considered a lesser noble house but it

might be accorded the rank of a greater

noble house and some kingdoms the other

thing to mention is that noble houses

are super linear or super lineal in

structure and if that’s an elven concept

that holds that the higher status house

predominates in a marriage this is a

little bit different than a lot of human

Nobles so if you have two no blouses

regardless of the genders object of the

two individuals who are marrying the

higher status house predominates in the

men in them in the marriage so for

example if you had a member of

Lemar which is a house Georgia spent a

good deal of time designing wisdom area

member of house in this floor which is

referred to in both Troy’s trilogy and

Rich Baker’s trilogy and the latter Amos

for was of higher status in house Lamar

then both spouses would be considered

part of house in us for blood if a noble

marries a commoner then both spouses

either take the name of the noble or the

commoner depending on the decision of

the house leadership and if they take

the name of the commoner then the

marriage forms a new house which is

considered a Sept of the original house

so for example house me misen which is

rather infamous now is considered to be

a hat a Sept of house duracell implying

that at some point in the past

adora film doble married a commoner with

the family name of me misen and the

leaders of house duracell decided to

recognize the Union as a new Sept rather

than bringing the newlyweds into house

during film and that would have been

their choice so you have this sort of or

get organically growing houses that can

either keep adding to their own number

or create a large number of subs and

either and their advantages and

disadvantages to eat in some houses more

often in moon elven houses than gold

open houses any one of Elvin Bloods

considered noble well in other houses

only full-blooded elves are accorded

that status and all Elvin Nobles the

titles I’d actually like to hear a

little bit from head on but in the

common tongue they’re basically all

considered lords or ladies after

reaching 90 years of age and

demonstrating some measure of

accomplishment when once granted such

titles are rarely if ever looked oKed

and only by the agreement all the living

members of house and in some houses

additional titles are granted to senior

members of the house particularly the

house leadership although such titles

are rarely employed outside of elven

society so you might be lord patriarch

der Sar but you know no one’s gonna call

you that they’re gonna call you Lord der

Sar if they’re addressing you in the

common tongue and there’s probably a

wide range of elven titles that would

apply so most houses are led by a

matriarch or patron

and the method of choosing the house

leadership varies from house to house

sometimes it’s inherited sometimes

there’s an election each house is unique

and for widely scattered houses there

may be the concept of a local leader per

individual Kingdom but then each house

is a leadership structure that spans the

entire bloodline regardless of which

were all may inhabit in some houses

leadership is passed to a ruling duo

triune or Council and ruling duos and

try owns usually arise when the current

matriarch of patriarchy dies and a

proper heir is not yet of age that

ninety or ninety years old wool and

ruling tribes might include like two

elder sisters and a younger brother or

an elder widow or widower of the late

patriarch and a matriarch or and their

young child and in cases where the

ruling house goes extinct or dormant

rule the house may pass to the ruler of

the only cept or in the case of multiple

steps passes to a council composed of

the matriarch of matriarch on each set

so that kind of tells you a little bit

about how they work and they’re

definitely different than a lot of human

nobility and I thought it might be

useful to sort of give you an example of

how to become how one family became a

noble house so I’m going to pick on

house der Sar which is famous for being

the head of Hill holders of ever Eska

it’s Lord speakers usually also the hill

elder so house dura saw ancestry back to

the final days of Ora char which was an

elven realm ere the crown wars and what

we now call the dust would in the char

and it fell to a surprise attack by the

armies at Iliff ear during a second

ground war and the lok of that assault

the surviving members of Clan der Sar

which was just a merchant clan they

weren’t Nobles they fled north to the

high forest where the clan had a small

trading outpost on the periphery of Erev

and are which we now think of as the

ruin known as core foon in the south

wood and in the centuries that followed


elders of Clan der Sar although they

were grateful for the refuge they became

increasingly concerned by the erratic

and cool whims of the ruling house of

every vampire so they’re still not

Nobles but these this is what they went

through to become Nobles in their own

they ally themselves with three noble

houses of Arab and are who are plotting

to escape and establish a better and

more peaceful homeland then you know so

they’re sort of a merchant clan still

allied with these noble houses then

about 12,000 years ago tell in Dardar so

a ranger of Flanders are he made a

pivotal discovery beneath what we now

know as the gray cloak Hills thought

they’ve also been known as the tomb

Hills or the Haleiwa and he discovered a

series of shallow cover housing a clutch

of silver dragon eggs the eggs one

admits the catching and where and there

was a red worm waiting to eat the new so

the Ranger of Clan dursa gave his life

defending the worm legs only to find

himself reborn the following morn

resurrected by the worms of Eris in thir

which is a dress a silver helmet

preceded the elven realm of ever Eska

amidst the Sheridan and after learning

of the Rangers mission those silver

worms showed him these mysterious non

natural portals with seven connections

to health a rune underneath the gray

cloak hills in these shallow caverns and

what was interesting about this

effectively non magical portal network

was it was undetectable by the vise

chantara high mages and so clan der Sar

still not Noble

they helped three air even dark and the

state joined by six clans from our deep

in CRP earth and they left plan der Sar

behind to cover their retreat and help

other refugees follow in their way and

so before they left they helped

construct a portal linking some standing

stones near the river Delamere which is

where for foon is with a similar circle

in the Ethel air or Arg Lake grey cloak

Hills now at this point the this clamp

this merchant clan is distinguished

itself by a sin

actually allowing nine plant nine noble

houses from three separate realms to

escape the wrath of area and our and go

off and fly on their own at all they’re

still not noble stuff and then during

the fifth crown war caverns beneath the

Phil later became a rallying point for

levels into the place into our empire

and I’m agents from various persecuted

noble houses took refuge in those caves

a height from her seat each other and

then in one of the last battles of the

fifth round of our command vice and

finally found the secret refuge and

attacked a rebel outlets and countless

elves died from both sides as did many

of the allied silver dragons from

Harrisonburg who rallied to their aid

and at long last the rebels prevailed

and they eat at them about the plight of

Aravinda left behind a broken lamp on

their bed and she’s in the light so you

know this is an example of still you

know we have a clan that is

distinguishing itself and it’s still not

in noble yet and so what happened is

after the silver wag it’s over dragons

have plans Silverwing departed then

finally Coronel dere 10 are Terran seer

of Aloha which was up and what we would

now known as the desert mouth mountains

where those nine clans fell had fled he

he finally a noble plan der Sar for

their centuries of servants like their

newly elevated Lord patriarch in

perpetuity is Watchers over the as

watcher over the hills and he granted

him the Ethel air yaki Geus which

loosely translated in modern times is

the ever Escott charter it’s a title and

a charter that continued to outlast the

realm that granted them so Illinois is

gone but clan der Sar is still a noble

because a core nolo villain are decided

to a noble plan der Sar and thereafter

they were known as haus der Sar and also

gave him the title of watcher over the

hills meaning the gray cloak hills set

them up to be essentially first among

equals of the noble houses of ever Eska

and that’s kind of

it takes to become an elven noble house

it’s that hard if you’re kind of getting

ennoble for the first time but if you

marry into an existing noble house it’s

fairly easy you may either be part of

that noble house or leadership hu sort

of on off ascent so you kind of have two

widely different ways of becoming a

noble house one of which is through

marriage and building off an existing

bloodline and the other is starting up a

whole new bloodline and the latter is

much more difficult to do and requires a

great amount of work

so hopefully that kind of explains how

the nobility works and what it takes to

become a newly elevated double house I

don’t know edie did I miss anything

nope no don’t know um except there was a

second part of that question or a

follow-up from crisis were there any

little loan spells that you created that

were used by very specific elven

families that would have been passed

down from member to member as an

heirloom or whatnot that’s the question

and my answer is yes there are many such

spells but they tend to be small-scale

low in power and concerned with everyday

utility like dusting and polishing and

fetching items that are somewhere in

this house but darned if I know we’re

just now or with illusions such as

glowing 3d animated images like

Holograms of departed memory ancestors

that family who can be conjured up to

dance or stand as if bearing witness or

be used to trick hostile non-ells

into thinking a lone elf or weak group

of elves has many others nearby oh that

is fantastic and I have a request

because Eric that was absolutely

incredible in depth in so much knowledge

and there’s so much so much lore is it

okay if I put if I turn that into a

document and post it on to the mages and


I can put something together for you

yeah okay and you’d that be fantastic

something in just like a word document

so I can take it in when I do post this

on when I get it done and put it on on

YouTube when I posted

mages and sages are with the fanpage I

can post that document for people with

anybody wants to download it so how’s

the next one coming along Jeff is it

being uploaded yet no you know I just

that that little technical difficulty we

had in the middle of it there or toward

the end I was I was able to clean it up

I’ll wash it through the noise reduction

quite a bit in there was some kind of

weird noise in the background and I was

able to get rid of it and it’s a little

washed out but it’ll it’ll suffice I’m

almost done with it I should be done

with it by Sunday beautiful looking

forward to it yeah there’s a lot of

great questions on why I watched it I

did I wants to do my computer so it was

a lot of laughs please there’s a lot of

great information on there that that I

think people would enjoy some really

good questions that we had so yeah I

don’t want to man I didn’t want to lose

any of that information that’s why I was

so meticulous about getting it cleaned

up okay so I think what we’re going to

do is I think we’re going to call it a

night for this one we’ve gone through a

lot of information not and you know we

have our salt dissertation and then we

had the one in Erica stir them on the

elves so we have some great information

for people I don’t want to overload them

too much because this is going to cut up

into about probably three three segments

I think and get three seconds out of

this so anybody else have anything else

they want to say before we close it out

well good Jay the pleasure is always

nice you know yeah it’s great I love

doing these let’s hang out I do too I

think it’s wonderful

Erik thank you again and your glass and

alex has been hanging in here and loving

every minute Alex you’re stronger boy

than I was at that age yeah guys all of

your superstar author game developer

writer friends and tell about this great

podcast that we do Tom we need guests

and Khan

that was great if you flex little Boris

absolutely I mean we’re gonna have Brian

Cortile on soon and Eric Scott be and

anybody else if you could think anybody

else who wants to do it ethically and

Steve Chen D&O Stevens chin I’ve already

talked to him but he was sick at the

time but he also wants to wants to do

something we can I can yell at him for

the book black staff tower so because he

hit me right in the fields as they say


so no definitely if you have anybody

that just has something coming out soon

an article a supplement your wizards or

just something on the DM z– guild yes

give him a call see if they want to come

on and we’d love to have them you know

the more the merrier

I think we’re our limit is about five

people on the podcast so it’s

interesting had I got approached by a

guy half know who is doing some stuff

that DM skilled he’s doing a product on

importer and he asked if I would have a

look at it and whether I wanted to be a

part of it and I great graciously said

no guess what I’m doing my own one day

and I don’t really want to help you with

yours no offense and he said oh you guys

I’ll send you a copy because we’re using

pretty much a lot of most of your

information from candlekeep etc and I

said well you’re entitled to do so

that’s fine I said it’s in the public

domain I said any guys so I’ll send you

a copy I said no don’t send me a copy

either I don’t want to read your copy

because I don’t want to be influenced

when I write mine oh okay well thanks

anyway yeah even when I did find out

that I found out that you guys are being

quoted on candlekeep as well

AJ actually did a transcript of a

portion of one of our earlier podcast

and he trained he transcribed the best

he could

word-for-word almost on on Decatur

kiemce I thought that was a great

that was great that he did that because

I haven’t done it wonderful to although

I was worried that it might have taken

away his cycles from detailing every

last one of the 125,000 NPCs of

Waterdeep which he well that way that


absolutely absolutely sensational I feel

like what do you think you mean to say

if he come up with some for input though

for me cuz he just goes like free and

neck for it he does it so well no

absolutely but it’s kind of neat that

and then and one of the questions I

asked earlier about the magic hairdos is

actually from from tonight they got put

on there okay oh yeah so yeah janna

anybody you can that’d be fantastic we’d

love to have on the show to talk and

promote themselves and and just sit here

and chat about the realms and Eric it’s

been absolutely incredible to have you

we will have you again I promise we’re

gonna we still have more questions but I

think we’re gonna wrap it up tonight

so there was there was one disappointing

feature tonight there guys and then do

any questions Mike Murphy oh we talked

about his wedding and that was it he got

his own plug come on now spike we did

the first question was from him next to

us from his wife I’ve answered a bunch

from from him on messaging and and

Twitter too so he’s been well served yes

he is he’s well done he’s all done now

but yeah that’s fantastic I’ve been

wonderful I loved I loved tonight’s show

because of the Thor assault and the

elves Eric that was incredible in Alex

you’re welcome anytime your dad’s even

when he’s not come on on your inputs

fantastic I’m waiting for the time Alex

days of dad I don’t think that’s quite

right and then I will say that frequent

debate is Alex by far

knows the fifth edition interpretation

of the realms far better than I

and we routinely where I’m comfortably

ensconced in 1375 thinking through the


Alex brings a very updated modern

perspective as to where things need to

end up so it’s actually he’s doing a

great job keeping me honest I think I

see a supplement of oneness as Eric in

the Dalek talk about the realm son he is

proud of Elon I’m actually going to put

him in the credits because he’s been

helping me with an awful lot of it

fantastic week oh my god rude crap a

collations is such a young age I love it

now the guys think you won’t make a

living off of it but you know you could

be consulted by weird people from all

over the world

if you have weird people and shadows as

you walk through convinces going on here

aren’t you that guy I will I will say so

oh one more quick thing so I was doing a

job interview the other day for someone

that we ended up hiring and we completed

the interview process and I and the

hiring and everything and then he said

and I just wanted to say I love what you

did in there are you serious it was

great oh my god it’s you’re like so I

got the job

right here just a front they say you

know what if you are me I’ll make your

own supplement for you you’ve got years

and years of lore just waiting to be put

out I know but I know everybody does so

but really fantastic guys thank you so

much again and appreciate you taking

away your Friday night to do this and

y’all have a great weekend if you had

and if you haven’t seen Avengers and

game go do it

happy Star Wars day tomorrow guys Star

Wars day may the Lord be with you ha ha

ha I think it’s Revenge of the fist but

then that’s what I’ll be drinking that’s

right well guys thank you and you’ll

have a great rest of your night ok

yes guys


thank you for joining us for the episode

13 of mages and sages interview with the

old maid special guest Eric Boyd in

George crash shows we hope you join us

next time when we have Bryan core


to discuss his work on the area of

Cormier and we hope you enjoy should be

a fantastic time until then keep playing

in the realms





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