During the Last War did the Karrns only animate corpses of their own, or also of fallen enemies? Would this be ‘unpatriotic’?Intelligent undead – including Karrnathi skeletons and zombies – only from fallen Karrns.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) May 28, 2017
Low-grade skeletons and zombies could be fallen enemies.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) May 28, 2017
Intelligent undead – including Karrnathi skeletons and zombies – only from fallen Karrns.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) May 28, 2017
… or, especially in the case of Thrane troops, inspire them to fight harder against a foe who stoops to such dark magics.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) May 28, 2017
Undead created using the Odakyr Rites don't retain memories of their former lives…
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) May 28, 2017
… While many other forms of intelligent undead aren't automatically loyal to the person who animates them.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) May 28, 2017
People capable of creating more advanced undead and controlling them are relatively rare, so it's generally limited to loyal undead.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) May 28, 2017
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) May 28, 2017
Regarding intelligent undead: not even fallen enemy brilliant military tacticians?But it's POSSIBLE if it's what you need for a story.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) May 28, 2017
Thanks so much for answering! Last question: no news of Eberron 5e support? Not at this time.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) May 28, 2017