Socially, Eberron seems to parallel the real-world early-20th century, and the timing of the Last War suggests about 1920 CE. Are there parallels for democracy or socialism in Eberron? (The Russian Revolution having happened by then IRL). Of course, Eberron is not, and should not be, a perfect parallel. I was just curious about the fact that there are no democracies in Eberron; the closest is Breland, a parliamentary monarchy, and Zilargo, which seems to be a police state.
— TristanBomb (@TristanBomb) September 30, 2018
Eberron isn't a direct parallel to our world; just one century ago, Khorvaire was dominated by a single monarchy. Social evolution is active and ongoing; in the last century Thrane has become a theocracy and Breland has a strong movement pushing for full democracy.
— Keith Baker #SHUX (@HellcowKeith) September 30, 2018
Part of what's interesting about 998 YK is that so many things are on the precipice. The feudal structure is being challenged; the balance of power between nations and the Dragonmarked houses is shifting; and you have new nations (Eldeen Reaches, Q'barra, Mror, Droaam).
— Keith Baker #SHUX (@HellcowKeith) September 30, 2018
So part of it was that rather than just making Breland a modern democracy, I prefer to have it on the cusp of change where PCs can be caught up in what happens and potentially shift things themselves… likewise for whether Darguun will survive or collapse.
— Keith Baker #SHUX (@HellcowKeith) September 30, 2018