@HellcowKeithwhat are better slur than easterners for monsters of droam to refer to human/elf/dwarf/halfling/etc acceptable races? some of the nost eastern monsters in droaam, but nobody would put them in the same basket as brelenders likewise an ogre from karnath
— JM (@JM13136849) April 26, 2017
@JM13136849 "Easterner" is understood by those who use it to mean "People east of the Graywall Mountains."
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) April 26, 2017
@JM13136849 As for the Karrnathi ogre, if he's culturally Karrnathi, he's an easterner; if he's not, he's not.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) April 26, 2017
@JM13136849Like many slurs, it’s not intended to be 100% carefully researched & always accurate; it’s used emotionally, not scientifically. The lizardfolk of Q'barra refer to outsiders as "softskins," but that doesn't work for Droaam as many natives have soft skin.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) April 26, 2017
@HellcowKeith Yea, all I'm coming up with is "Hume" (Hyo͞om) & not being too picky about what human-like races get called it for the reasons you mention
— JM (@JM13136849) April 26, 2017
@HellcowKeith Something about it felt too respectful though, was hoping you might have considered better terms in the past
— JM (@JM13136849) April 26, 2017
@JM13136849 Essentially "Easterner" doesn't address someone's RACE at all; it's referring to some who is part of the CULTURES of the east.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) April 26, 2017
@JM13136849 As for Sheshka embracing the term "monster," it's an example of a culture appropriating a slur used by an enemy.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) April 26, 2017
@JM13136849 But they'd call a human from the Shadow Marches an Easterner if they didn't like him, even though he's LITERALLY from the south.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) April 26, 2017
@JM13136849 It is a fairly respectful term – Sheshka IS nobility, after all. I'm sure there are many less respectful slurs, but I haven't made a list.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) April 26, 2017