The castle stands. Cold, silent, patient. Humans rage around and through it like passing blurs, and occasionally spill each other’s blood on it. The castle cares not. It’s been uncaring for a long time, and is getting good at it.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 11, 2018
If you belong to a medieval ruling family
You must be prepare for many a fatal calamity
For they must needs be targets who dare to wear crowns
And on long lives for them, many a malicious god frowns— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 7, 2018
And my lord he loves me well
Dragons he slew for me, three
And when the last one fell
With its dying curse it invaded me
Daily it dark and stronger grows
When it takes me over, do you suppose
My lord will then slay me?— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 7, 2018