Knight old, knight wounded, knight grim and tall
Climbs slowly and painfully to stand atop the highest castle wall
And there stands to look out—and then look down
To choose where he’ll splatter on the roofs of the town
And makes his last charge, for he’s too proud to just fall— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 13, 2018
A dragon can starve a whole year through
Awaiting to awaken and munch on adventurers who
Especially at this nicest time of year
Persist in its deep dank lair to uninvited appear— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 10, 2018
The night dragon like a slyly patient breeze it went
Sliding long and dark through the air from tent to tent
As sentinels who saw it not muttered, “All is well!”
And wherever it went, there went its dark spell— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 14, 2018