#dnd tip for player management: DISCLAIMER: Players don’t fit neatly into categories. Any labels used are for discussion purposes only. These are often most useful when DMing for strangers. So far we have covered Actors, Instigators, Power Games, Storytellers, Optimizers (1/4) Today let's talk about the EXPLORERS. They're most interested in shining light on mysteries, which could be dark dungeon tunnels, unknown relationships, mysterious plots, or twisted riddles. They want to be faced with the unknown, and their goal is to learn those secrets. (2/4)
— Shawn Merwin 🔜 #dndlive2019 (@shawnmerwin) April 23, 2019
EXPLORERS sometimes overlap with POWER GAMERS, but the reward for EXPLORERS is seeing what happens and why, while POWER GAMERS are more invested in winning instead of just learning. (3/4)
— Shawn Merwin 🔜 #dndlive2019 (@shawnmerwin) April 23, 2019
To best engage EXPLORERS, make sure you put multiple unknowns into your adventure: some short term and some long term. Provide clues that the EXPLORER can dwell upon for long-term mysteries, and also reveal answers even as you provide new questions. (4/4)
— Shawn Merwin 🔜 #dndlive2019 (@shawnmerwin) April 23, 2019