For those who have played other editions of D&D specifically, what about 5e do you like in comparison?
I love the ease at which you can play "rules-light" without it disturbing the mechanics of the game.
— Mysty Vander (@MystyVander) July 23, 2019
Overall I love that it has a solid mechanical skeleton, but preserves the feeling of wonder and that things can be special, especially when talking about magic items.
It's the perfect blend of the best parts of 3e and 2e to me, in that regard.
— Dan Dillon
(@Dan_Dillon_1) July 23, 2019
SO many of my favorite bits and details from 5e are actually from 4e.
And even took a few pages from 4E; the right few. 4e gets a lot of shit, but it's a very important step on the path D&D has taken. I'm grateful for everything it did.
— Dan Dillon
(@Dan_Dillon_1) July 24, 2019
I wouldn’t go that far. I think there are more principles that survived from 4E than it would seem at first but the scale and the mystery from earlier editions tempers it.
— Jeff LaSala (@Jeff_LaSala) July 24, 2019
It shares the basics of the d20 system, which is admittedly fundamental, but IMO it’s pretty much a repudiation of 3e at a philosophical and mathematical level. 3e was the first time I feel like D&D had a unified mechanical structure. Not saying 4e didn't, but 3e was what took us into that paradigm.
— Dan Dillon
(@Dan_Dillon_1) July 24, 2019
Well, it is basically just a modern version of B/X & BECMI D&D.
Some things got ridiculously Nerfed. (Will-o-Wisp as undead?! They are evil fairies! Nerfing spells with this ‘focus’ thing as well.)
Characters level too fast and are way overpowered.