Sullenly the six soldiers let Wolf and his companions pass.
When they’re around the next corner, Chantratha asks suddenly, “Can I go back and offer myself to them, Wolf? Do we have the time for that?” 2)
“For you to kill them all, painfully? No.”
“But they have swords, and armor, and lanterns and all.”
“For us to pose as invading soldiers, you mean?”
“Chant, how many women and kings d’you think the invaders brought along?”#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 25, 2020
“Look, I just need the flimsiest of excuses.”
“Because they noticed you were a woman, and decided to behave as soldiers always do when in enemy territory?”
“But Chant, you ARE a woman. We can’t deny plain truth.” 4)
“You call THAT logic?”
“No, I call it good enough justification. We’re in a HURRY.”
“Oh? Why? Our graves will wait for us.”#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 25, 2020