“Halt! Are you from the evil Empire?”
“Which one?”
“Well, such value judgments tend to depend on one’s viewpoint, hmm?”
“Viewpoint? What’s that? Some sort of weapon?”#epic fantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 12, 2018
“No. It’s a fancy word for: how do YOU see the world?”
“I’LL ask the quest…oh, what the h…andbasket! I see the world as a guard under orders to stop evil outlanders.”#epic fantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 12, 2018
“Oh, that’s okay, then. I’m not evil, so you don’t have to stop me.”
“Ah. Good. You’re from the other empire, then?”
“Exactly. The other one.”
“Right, pass friend, all’s well.”#epic fantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 12, 2018