Hey all worried about gold for the new TCP system, just remember with the buying/selling armor loophole, you can trade one adventure's worth of T1 points (2) to make 375 gp (half plate) or three T2 pts to make 750 gp. That's a more than you would have gotten in the current system
— Greg Marks (@Skerrit7h3green) July 27, 2018
Well, @mikemearls is the super talented designer who came up with the Advancement and Treasure Point system! It was built based on feedback from AL players and the tendency for adventures to hand out way too much treasure
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 27, 2018
Next time there is ANY form of negative feedback about AL, why not bring it to us the community and discussed it to resolve it. If this had been done months ago with the community that is AL on ALFB where there is 26,000 members we could have helped laid the problem to rest. We’ve consistently found that social media posts don’t align with what the greater community is looking for. Part if the equation, but one among many.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 27, 2018
I want to know this to and will tell the AL community of FB what you say is what is the best way for us the AL community to be heard👍🏼💯 It’s one factor among several. Most players don’t engage at all on social media, so we use surveys and studies to reach them. There’s no reason to stop talking, just don’t assume that one data point is the story.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 27, 2018
Now, the reverse is also true. The FB group might represent the general trend. Generally the broader trend is toward different concerns. For instance, in the 5e playtests online discussion usually favored more complexity than we saw in the general audience.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 27, 2018
In this case, we’re seeing a pretty big disconnect between what people want from AL and what they feel it delivers. Hence, the changes. Revisions from this point will fall into two buckets. Details like the rate of GP earned and what adventures can award, are easy tactical tweaks. Those are also places where SM is a lot more on point, because expert DMs and players are informed and give actionable feedback.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 27, 2018
The broader picture question – why is organized play for RPGs not connecting with the broader audience – is something that requires more global feedback and study.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 27, 2018
Is the system instantaneous? If a not-insignificant bribe needs to go out, and the amount is, say 3K GP, is it going to be a situation of “Oh damn I have 20K gold equivalent in points, but didn’t convert it pre-session”? That strikes me as penalizing a particular playstyle. The changes (once we get gather all the feedback and write the final versions) go live with s8 on August 30.
— Greg Marks (@Skerrit7h3green) July 27, 2018
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 27, 2018
I’ve DM’ed and played over 1,000 hours of AL in the last 3 years and never once encountered a player who wanted less gold. Instead they want more things to spend it on even if it’s just cosmetic. I can get behind most of the other changes, but I HATE the gold acquisition change. And that’s something the admins and @Onnatryx will look at and tweak as needed. We have to see how it plays out before adjusting
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 27, 2018
Mike, gotta say that to me this no longer feels like #dnd. Checkpoints cool, magic items cool, but gold only at a level?
That is a lot of suspension of disbelief to think that I play a few adventures and wait for the gold to be directly deposited into my adventuring account. We’ll see how it plays out. If the amount of gold and how often you earn it is an issue, we’ll make changes. For instance, we could pretty easily tie a GP reward based on tier you gain in addition to each treasure check earned.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 27, 2018
So, if an adventure gave 2 treasure checks, it would also give 2 * that tier’s GP reward packet
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 27, 2018