Hey GMs, what makes you more inclined to use a specific adventure module in your games and how do you use them? #TTRPG #DnD It’s setting-neutral enough that I can fairly easily rework it for my homebrew world. Not strip it for parts (which I know I can do even to something heavily setting specific), but run it fairly straight up by just changing location and NPC names.
— Scott Fitzgerald Gray (@scottfgray) May 20, 2021
I want adventures to provide something cool. It doesn’t have to be totally unique, but it should be creative and stimulating. I want to provide cool experiences. I’ll alter it and keep that cool core.
— Alphastream – Fully Vaccinated And Masked (@Alphastream) May 21, 2021
In terms of method, a big sell is clarity. If it’s unclear, I’m unlikely to use it.
— Alphastream – Fully Vaccinated And Masked (@Alphastream) May 21, 2021