@TheEdVerse how common are public bath houses in the Realms, more specifically in the Sword Coast and the North? I imagine big cities like Waterdeep or Baldur's Gate have them, but what about smaller towns and cities like Daggerford or Yartar?
— Ricardo Williams (@rwgs76) January 12, 2020
Outside cities, public bathhouses are only found where there’s a warm spring (water warm enough to keep from freezing as it emerges from the ground). Otherwise, you need a large inn with cellar hearthfires to heat the water, meaning a paying-guests-only bath house. 2)
In cities and larger centers, there are public bathhouses in Silverymoon, Everlund, Sundabar, Citadel Adbar, and Citadel Felbarr. As well as inn, festhall, and guildhouse pay-a-fee (usually 2cp, robes and towels provided, clothes laundering 1cp more) "warm baths."#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 12, 2020
Well atleast my character with his weird addiction to hygiene is not a “weirdo” and bathhouses actually exist in plenty.
I ofc described usual taking bath as a “barrrel with a hot water”. Wonder if Mystra will be angry if someone uses magic to make a shower Nope, not at all. Mystra promotes the widespread, frequent use of magic by as many folk as possible. That's her aim, so although magic is rare and expensive and some mortals in the Realms might see such as use as frivolous, she wouldn't.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 12, 2020
So the info in Faith and Pantheons turns out to be wrong? (or missundersood by me).
Because in FaP her dogma is right against missuse of magic.
But again it might be still the case, I just do not grasp the meaning of "missuse". I am a bit confused— Viktor Gray (@VikGray) January 12, 2020
“Misuse” of magic, to Mystra, is to oppress others with it, so those who use magic end up hated or feared, and/or to deny the use of magic to others (i.e. a wizard or ruler seizing magic items from commoners or others). Anything that works against magic for. 2)
…all, EXCEPT to curb the actions of oppressors who use magic to oppress, or who act to restrict others having or using magic, is "misuse" of magic, to Mystra. So Red Wizards or Zhentarim working tyranny through magic is bad; giving or trading magic items is not.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 12, 2020