Hi Ed! In FR4 – The Magister, 54, you wrote: “One is thought to have been lost in the Vast Deeps when the sorcer Alamanth was slain in battle aboard a ship off of Port Llast. How deep is the Vast Deeps? Given it’s close to the coast, I imagine it can’t be as deep as the Uldeep.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 23, 2021
The Deeps are deep, but nowhere near as deep as the Uldeep.
What they are, to earn the name “Vast,” is complex: an unmapped, chaotic large expanse of deep trenches with knife-edged ridges in between. 2)
MOST of them are parallel to the coast, but not all. This tortured terrain is home to many unique and rare undersea creatures, including eyes of the deep (marine beholders).#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 23, 2021