How did Mirt and others help Randal Morn free Daggerdale? I’m running a campaign set in the mid 1350s, starting with the Doom of Daggerdale; the goal is helping Randal Morn overthrow Constable Tren. The party is based in the Shadowdale of the original grey book FR. There's an unpublished Realms story of mine (written in the early 1980s) in the TSR files, TO SLAY A BLACK RAVEN, that tells that tale. Covered by an NDA, I'm afraid.#Realmslore
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 3, 2020
Wow, so much more in the unpublished realms than even 5 editions of D&D has revealed. Thanks for answering my question, as I’ve been DMing FR since the initial grey book came out. My pleasure!
I hope someday, somehow, to share some of the literally boxes and boxes of unpublished Realmslore. Entire continents, if Wizards ever needs them (hint, hint). All I'll need is 2 months to dig through a shipping container to find the right pieces of paper.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 9, 2020