How far up a stone corridor would the sound of a battle travel? 2d6 x 50 feet: the "Very Loud" entry of the Audible Distances chart on the DM screen.
Most glorious hidden gem, this chart ONLY exists on the screen.
— Dan Dillon 👥 (@Dan_Dillon_1) October 16, 2019
Need some help adjudicating sound distance in #dnd, especially for running stealth and sneaking?
Check out the DM screen's Encounter Distances chart, which contains "Audible Distances." It gives you guidelines for how far away various categories of sound can be heard! #WotcStaff
— Dan Dillon 👥 (@Dan_Dillon_1) October 16, 2019
Which version of the screen is this? The original and then the revised with the gorgeous red dragon in flight.
Not sure if it's on the collector's edition/gift boxes, but I will dig some up and check right now…
Aaaand YES! It's preserved in the most recent versions. I'm not sure on the adventure-specific ones.
— Dan Dillon 👥 (@Dan_Dillon_1) October 16, 2019
thought it might have been on the original only, coz I’ve never noticed it before when DMing.
Your response made me check the essentials screen, and there it is!
Why are nuggets like that not front and center? I need to get around to making my own DM screen info! I mean… it's right there, on one of the center panels. I think the issue is people spot reference the screen for something they're specifically looking for.
The fact that Audible Distance isn't in a book hurts it, people just don't know to look for it. I was gobsmacked myself.
— Dan Dillon 👥 (@Dan_Dillon_1) October 16, 2019