@jelmoreOn a tangent, How should the halfling Lucky feature work with adv/disadv.? Reroll 1s before or after resolving A/D? #dnd Check out page 173 of the Player's Handbook for the answer.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) June 3, 2015
@jelmoreOn a tangent, How should the halfling Lucky feature work with adv/disadv.? Reroll 1s before or after resolving A/D? #dnd Check out page 173 of the Player's Handbook for the answer.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) June 3, 2015
My confusion stems from the the text in halfling luck that specifies that the new result must be taken. Why is this text even reqd? (unless the intent is to prevent a third or poss more rolls in the case of consecutive 1s?)
The advantage/disadvantage on p173 PHB in fact illustrates examples of it he role that must be taken NOT being taken.
Also, this “must use the new role” begs the question, can a halfling that also has the lucky feat actually use that feat if they’ve already re rolled a 1 using their halfling luck?