I’ll be using it to also test out some of my own stuff for 5e, blood magic, rites (similar to 4th Ed rituals), etc that might appear on dmsguild in the future. My question is about how long would humanity be around close to the tear fall that saw dragons come to Toril? 1)
Humans existed on Toril before any recorded history, so they were around before the Tearfall, though they seem to have been a keep-to-the-forests race far overshadowed in might, technology, and social level by the elves, …#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 22, 2020
Humans existed on Toril before any recorded history, so they were around before the Tearfall, though they seem to have been a keep-to-the-forests race far overshadowed in might, technology, and social level by the elves 2)
…the batrachi, the giants, then the dragons, and so on. So no one knows how long, but a long time, even then. Conanesque savagery seems right for many humans of the time.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 22, 2020