@TheEdVerse how many different planes of existence does The Weave exist as a part of? I’ve never really heard if it was primarily a Material-Plane-only thing or if it perhaps even exists in places such as Limbo, Carceri, or even The Elemental Chaos or The Elemental Plane of Air. The Weave is Mystra, and extends beyond Toril only so far as individual beings who are Weavemasters do (example: the Chosen, and Mystra herself when she went into the Hells), and even they can’t access the full Weave when they’re outside Realmspace.#Realmslore
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 11, 2019
So, wait… then how does magic function in those places?
If the weave is the source of arcane and divine magic, and a wizard or cleric goes trekking through the planes, how can they still cast spells if the Weave “extends beyond Toril only so far as individual beings who are Weavemasters do”?
Are they forced to work their spells with raw magic, which is supposedly harder and more dangerous? Are there regional “Weave Substitutes” that they tap into instead of the actual Weave? If you visit the Nine Hells, are you spells actually powered by some fiendish source, such as Asmodeus himself?
Or are spellcasters somehow able to tap into the Weave even at a distant remove from its literal locality?