how many dragons would you say is in a “flight” of dragons…….asking for my gameFive or more. And "flight" has to be NOT a family on the move (i.e. can't all be members of the same family). In the Realms, what gets called a "flight" depends on who sees them; unimpressed elves tend to reserve the term for 16 or more.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 3, 2017
Holy crap then I think the guys that wrote Rise of Tiamat might be high. Supposed to throw a flight of young red dragons at a party if like 15th level characters with a compliment of warriors…….thanks for the advice! Heh. I've always considered those sort of encounters as reminding players that sometimes the best strategy is to: just RUN and HIDE. ;}
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 4, 2017