@TheEdVerse I just had an odd thought, and a quick check of my books didn't settle it. How much does a instructor of wizardry make in one of the magic colleges? Say, Ladies College around 1372DR (start of 3rd Ed.) Does access to rare collections or other fringes change that?
— Random.Queriant (@RandomQueriant) July 4, 2019
It varies, depending on whether or not sideline income (private tutoring, spell scroll making or for-pay spellcasting or for-fee using magic to decipher old writings/possibly arcane writings) is allowed. If yes, lower, but if not, an instructor gets room and…#Realmslore https://t.co/ppT2Tmd7TQ— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 4, 2019
…board and all expenses (spell inks, parchment, material components, wardrobe) and 2000-6000 gp/month, the lower end being starting salary, usually increasing by 1000/year, at the end of every year of continuous employment. Respected senior instructors get…#Realmslore 3)
…paid leave for adventuring, spell crafting, or spell research (i.e. they get their salary even when away from doing their instructing). In addition, senior faculty at magic colleges get a share of any profits made by the college (from spellcasting projects…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 4, 2019
…like casting city or castle wards, and more commonly from "secure storage" rentals (the college offers to keep your gems or gold bars in its vaults, and insures them, and you pay a monthly "safeguard" fee).#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 4, 2019
I love when you answer these questions! I find out so many interesting tidbits of how life really works in your world! Thank you! You're very welcome! These are my favourite sorts of replies to make, as they're about how the world "works." (And after fifty-odd years of working on the Realms daily, I HAVE thought about all sorts of odd, esoteric lore. Possibly because I'm an odd, esoteric sort of person. ;}
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 4, 2019