DM question: how much world building is too much world building for a home brew campaign? I’ve written loose notes for almost 800 years of events prior to the events of the campaign so far.. I tend to think of the last 10 years as the key. Keeping the deeper past mysterious or mythical keeps your options open. From there, one small village or city district, vague notes on related areas that are involved in immediate history.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) June 15, 2018
For instance – my Eberron campaign is focused on a magic artifact. I jotted down how it was made and who is after it, then set one of those groups after the PCs. Detailed the university they work for and the underworld region where the artifact is hidden, plus enemy gang.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) June 15, 2018
Oh, and once PCs made their characters I found a few ways to tie the artifact to their backgrounds.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) June 15, 2018