yeah which since we talked about divine
intervention wish is one more
interesting game B spells is part of
Dean D history but it is also something
you need to word very well and can be a
nightmare for both players and DMS how
do you handle wish so the wish spell in
many ways is the ultimate expression of
wizard leap our wizards going back to
first addition have been the people in
the D&D multiverse who figured out the
code they have figured out the code that
is behind all of reality and they have
deciphered the ways of manipulating that
code which represents their ability once
they get powerful enough to essentially
do anything but it’s risky
in the fifth edition version of wish and
this is this is something that began
developing a couple of additions ago
we began to work in ways for the spell
to work reliably and so in the spell
there is a list of things that it can do
that basically if that’s what you wish
for it’s just going to do it for example
one of the most common things that can
do is which can duplicate the effects of
any other spell so if you go for that as
a wizard really what wish is is wish is
your backdoor into every other classes
right spell list or it’s your backdoor
into the wizard spell list because there
might be a spell on your own classes
list that you haven’t learned yet right
so that’s only for a thimble Oh correct
that first off is one of the ways that
you can use wish reliably because people
often will think oh gosh I’ve got to you
know have with fear and trembling word
my wish you don’t actually you have to
sweat it if you’re just using it to
duplicate a spell like this wish we’ll
just do it now when you are duplicating
the effects of another spell yes it’s a
spell of eighth level or lower
this makes it partly so you can’t have
nested wishes although I’m not sure
really what what the purpose of wishing
to cast wish would be you’re right uh
other than it just like you could like I
don’t know open a hole in the space-time
continuum everyone which does another
wish does another wish like like you
know that poses a sort of metaphysical
question if you if enough wishes cause
enough other wishes what happens yeah
well you’re gonna burn out or they’re
gonna be able to guess maybe maybe maybe
eventually the lady of pain herself will
show up and write hawk for the first
time ever just to tell you to quit it so
we just so we don’t piss her off we’ve
made it so that the wish will only
duplicate a spell of eight level or
lower right you can also use it to you
know create certain objects other things
that there’s this this list of various
things that you can do with the spell
that’s reliable but you also have the
option of just wishing for anything at
all and here’s where you’ve got to be
careful because since this is for
wizards who are basically manipulating
reality itself directly as opposed to
say a cleric praying to their God who
they have a relationship with asking for
divine intervention and there’s a bit of
guidance there right like they know how
the controls work right a cleric is used
to this relationship and the clerics
relationship is is two-sided with the
wizard casting wish it’s one-sided this
is basically the wizard doing something
to reality and reality might not like it
and so reality I get a fussy and it’s
almost like the wizard is coding and
needs to be careful because reality
isn’t necessarily going to interpret the
code of the Wizards wish in the Wizards
now some dams could decide that it’s
actually an entity that is granting the
wish it could be a god it could be a
being like the lady of pain who
even you know beyond God’s or you know
it could be some other nameless force
out there in the multiverse that’s
answering these wishes whoever or
whatever is granting the wishes the
implication in the spell is they’re not
necessarily on the Wizards side right
they’re not all they’re also not trying
to destroy the wizard no like your wish
will happen when way or another yes but
but always it you know there’s been a
long tradition of this spell that
whatever force is granting the wish is
kind of a poop yeah yeah we’re we’re but
you can imagine that if even if let’s
say it’s not an entity where it is as I
was saying earlier just reality itself
you can imagine the substance of reality
being not excited to be stretched in
ways it was not meant to be stretched
right that there is resistance to you
are now trying to make something happen
that none of this around us was
constructed to have happen yet the magic
can do it you know it is it it’s
essentially like almost tapping into the
power that gods have but by a person
who’s not a god by a person who doesn’t
have the experience that the gods have
using such power I mean in a way wizards
are like almost like God babies you know
like I have I figured out how to use
this power right but you know no
training yeah you know I have not been
tutored in this I’ve not had you know a
a a safe laboratory where I can
experiment and you know do no harm it
can be dangerous or mischievous I think
often I think the best outcomes when it
comes to the open-ended wish is not
necessarily to hurt the wizard right but
to make something unexpected and
preferably funny happen and as always if
possible spark new adventure now if
you know if the wizard you know if they
wish for something that causes you know
their limbs to be rearranged well now
the wizard has got to figure out how to
have those limbs put back with a blow I
I did have a player not wish that
someone came back from the dead instead
they wished that that person had never
been hit by another God the act that
killed them and I did err on the side of
mischievousness and decided that instead
so now sky hit hmm and that person was
not dead yep so you got this character
back but this character is now in the
grave yeah and I feel terrible don’t
wanna be like you know obviously that
carried that character who died came
back but like wish is a stressful thing
or it can be but also just a fun thing
yeah I’m also yeah new stories can be
told but yeah again that’s a great
example the one you give of be careful
because if you if you wish sloppily just
for someone to be back who would who is
lost right
that doesn’t mean then something else
won’t be lost in its place brilliant
changing the events of time any any time
you miss with time bad stuff yeah
and that’s just like with divine
intervention for the cleric if the
person casting wish once a reliable
predictable outcome then just use the
spell to duplicate a spell of eight
level or lower because then it will just
do what you want it to do so if you’re a
wizard and you want to raise dead in a
fairly straightforward way just use wish
to cast raise dead don’t get fancy but
if you’re willing to accept the
consequences and you want to bring
somebody back who maybe is who is beyond
the reach of the raise dead spell or
true resurrection okay but you better
word that thing carefully because you
know again maybe they do come back but
someone else is lost or they do come
back and they’re not how you wanted them
to be
right eyes Adeem might even listen very
carefully especially in a wish about
bringing somebody back who is beyond the
reach of normal resurrection magic I
would listen to very carefully how the
person describes that dead or lost being
who’s being come who’s going to come
back to see are they actually referring
to the person are they just weren’t
referring to their physical form are
they referring to the memory of them
what is it they’re actually referring to
and that will inform what I have
actually show up you know if they were
really sloppy and how they worded it you
know you could end up with some kind of
doppelganger like thing that comes back
you know someone just says oh I miss his
face please bring my husband back to me
well then the wish might result in a
portrait showing up yes yeah so it I I
relish it
if anyone casts wish at my table oh you
do oh yes no cuz I am like oh so I tell
me how exactly are you wording this wish
right because almost always something
then fun is about to happen yeah yeah it
is it’s definitely like the DM has now
stepped into the room kind of situation
yeah I mean in in in a way the the mood
of the wish spell that mischievousness
of the open-ended wish in some ways is
expressing the mood that surrounded the
dungeon master all the way back in first
edition these days the DM is very much
the player’s partner and storytelling
the person who is helping guide a co-op
game and Danny has always been a co-op
game but back in first edition there was
much more mischief assumed in the game
first off players were often assumed in
those early products to sometimes be
messing with each other
like like often often thieves back then
were robbing other members of the group
right people were often trying to trick
each other out of the magic items they
found but then on the other side of the
damn screen the DM was sometimes
expected to not necessarily be an
adversary but also not necessarily your
buddy right yeah and and that sort of
mischievous person behind the curtain
it’s almost like it’s been it’s it has
been captured in game mechanics form in
the wish spell right it does feel very
first edition stuff yep first edition
was punishing yeah not horribly friendly
and you should not get too attached to
your characters oh yeah no the the
lethality was high yeah
so it’s so them pretty sure the kick my
main character aver and who I’ve been
playing since I was 8 is the only
character that survived first division
and then I never want to let him go like
I think I got as far as like 10th and I
thought that was a miracle and then I
grown so attached that I’m like I had to
take him to every edition after that I
mean first edition is the only edition
of the game that I have d-end
in which one of the groups of characters
I was the DM for had so many deaths that
they bought their own cemetery so that
they had a place to just bury the
members of the party who were constantly
getting killed and that was that was
when I diem the original Temple of
Elemental Evil and it felt like every
other session someone was dying that’s
yeah and the one character kept on
surviving yep usually okay I know this
there’s this a graveyard yep there was a
graveyard and you knew there was one
character in the group in particular
that every that all the other characters
ended up hating and so they decided not
to bury them in the graveyard and
instead that character got stuffed under
one of the beds in the end of the
bathroom lunch
was dark first-edition those were
different days level drain yeah yeah
yeah I I’m not gonna lie I like to bring
a little bit of first edition back I am
create a magical item called aprons a
devouring bag where it’s actually a demi
plain of first edition so they have to
so the Wizards know what the evil wizard
there is name for it right you know it’s
very much a child’s interpretation of
first edition and the orcs still look
like pig men mm-hmm you know and undead
still have level dream and survivability
is very low but there’s also that kind
of weird cartoony charm to it as well
yeah it’s a horrifying place like it’s
called bag world I think the players
have called it bag world at this point
so dude do low level wizards in bag
world’s only have like one or two oh yes
yes yes and one spell to cast what spell
yeah yeah until and the wish spell is
very much from that world yes has that
that adversarial whimsy mm-hm I would
say that makes it both of you voted nice
at the same time yeah
Wish is the ultimate expression of magic might. @ToddKenreck and @JeremyECrawford talk about using this most dangerous and powerful of D&D spells!
— D&D Beyond (@DnDBeyond) August 1, 2019
How to handle a Wish spell