Numenera lets attackers trade damage for effects. I liked the Move Past effect best because I think it could foster more dynamic battles.
Design enthusiasts: how would a D&D move past action work? Given that you can move before and after your action you can already do this with Shove (or things like Pushing Attack for superiority or Swords bard flourishes, but those are specialized).
There's also the Tumble option in the DMG for moving through a foe's space.
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) October 3, 2021
Rogues and Monks getting disengage as a bonus action also allows this.
HOWEVER, there are a lot of problems with free movement. “I run past the fighters and engage the mage” sounds great, but not so much when it happens every combat. Doesn't help for things like someone holding a door, as in the example.
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) October 3, 2021
Indeed. Just a thought: What rules do you use for prone creatures and other creatures trying to move into or through their space? Standard rules in general, though if it's an unconscious creature I'm fine with someone say standing over/next to their body in their space. Diff terrain, can move through if friendly
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) October 3, 2021
That’s basically how I do it. And then someone heals the unconscious character and I need to work out how to deal with it! (Typically, can’t stand up, but can crawl to an open space). At first thought for me: If friendly, as you say. If unfriendly, pushes the stander to unoccupied space.
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) October 3, 2021
Hmm, stander being "PC (presumably, whatever creature) who is standing in the now-conscious foe's space"
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) October 3, 2021