Cleaning out and organizing my game and miniatures collection, and found the maps for the very first dungeon I created and ran as part of a campaign back in 1985. The idea was a gang of bandits used an old cave as a hideout, not knowing that it was actual an ancient crypt.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 14, 2018
Eventually. I’m thinking of doing something with them. We’ll see.Pics please.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 14, 2018
were they slowly being driven insane and cruel by the dissonant whispers of the disquieted dead? Kind of! I think I was going for a twist something like that. The characters had to recover a stolen religious icon, and it woke up the dead and lured them out to steal it.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 14, 2018