I know a lot of folks don’t like alignment, but I do find it helps me as a GM, especially when running a published adventure. Those two words next to an NPC’s description are at-a-glance roleplaying guidelines and put the description in context. To be clear, alignments for a whole group of humanoids to me is boring and not great. And as @caberlitz points out, not great as an immutable concept. But for individual creatures as an RP guideline, I'm a fan.
— James Introcaso (@JamesIntrocaso) April 25, 2021
I am with you. I wouldn’t mind seeing them shift to a scale like “selfish/altruistic” and “hierarchical vs. direct” or something similar that relies less on moral judgment and more on mechanisms/approaches.
— Jennifer Kretchmer (@dreamwisp) April 26, 2021
I agree there are better ones, but sadly in 5e not that break down into two words, which is what I’m looking for when running a game.
— James Introcaso (@JamesIntrocaso) April 27, 2021