@TheEdVerse Hello Ed, I need a good name for an elf swashbuckler. Maybe even a 'stage name', do you have a good idea?
— kentusrpg (@kentusrpg) January 20, 2020
An elf swashbuckler can of course have almost any birth name, and will rarely change it out of shame, but many of them would gleefully adopt a stage name, or do so to avoid having their deeds reflect on their family (and 2)
…perhaps mar ongoing house negotiations with others). So here are a few stage names (invented given name and surname; with such names, alliteration is so popular as to be the norm, and many are ridiculously overblown):#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 22, 2020
Female: Alaudra Allslayer; Evalarra Elfhorn; Galardra Gemmountain; Jatha Jauntgem; Kaethla Catchbeast; Mordra Maimserpent; Naethra Neartriumphant; Phandoshea Fireblade; Qaervaera Killdragon; Volone Valormoon; Yauvra Yarkblade#Realmslore4)
Male: Aerevaud Allvanquisher; Dauntyr Dragonslayer; Haravandiir Hauntsword; Kendrus Killfoe; Mandarl the Masked Doom (Mountjoy); Narthandor Neverdeath; Rellovir Rendwyrm; Waurn Wyvernslayer; Zorth Zarvalor#Realmslor— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 22, 2020