While doing some prep-reading for running Waterdeep: Dragon Heist I noticed that Elminster is the current leader of the City Watch of Waterdeep. Since his stats are in the book should he just be given access to all wizard spells, have a spell . . . 1/2) All of Mystra's Chosen are weaker post-Sundering than they were formerly, and Mystra wants them to keep a lower profile in terms of hurling magic about. However, all of the Chosen (El included, of course) are now what you might call "Weavemasters," in that…#Realmslore
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 29, 2019
2/2) …they can ride the Weave (merge into it to heal and translocate), call on its energies to shape any magical effect they've previously cast as a spell (so, yes, you can give El access to all spells). I've always left it to DMs to handle the Chosen as best suits their play.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 29, 2019