I played a great game of D&D for the first time in years last night (a campaign run by the amazing @TheEdVerse), and it really reminded me of all the D&D tricks and rituals that have fallen from my regular gaming vocabulary! It’s been ages since I’ve checked for traps, had 1/2 to solve puzzles in dungeon chambers to advance, and crack open my Forgotten Realmsisms ("Well met!" "Tempus' Shield!" "I knew a lady from Calimshan with desert hot lips…", etc.) It's been fun to revisit such sword and sorcery, and I'm sure I'll be returning again soon. 2/2
— Matthew Dawkins (@clackclickbang) January 28, 2020
We used my old Baron's Blades PCs from many TSR playtests and Milwaukee-era GenCons, which are 2e, but we ran edition-light roleplaying (storytelling) 5e. For years I've run games in a style that lets newcomers to the game relax alongside veteran gamers. It's basically acting.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 29, 2020
For me and mine, D&D is the ultimate friends-and-family gettogether. Never anything but laughs, good times, bonding, and fellowship, even during the most harrowing aspects of Ravenloft or Cthulhu. Glad you could get back into it, bud.