DMs, I think it's okay to let your players fail sometimes. I'm the type of player who treats dnd like a puzzle and wants to figure out creative and clever ways to solve a problem, and that includes my actions in combat.
— Harli Kane 🐈⬛💋 (@harlikane) September 20, 2022
One thing I like to do when there’s a serious failure is to ask the player “So what went wrong? Tell me how you failed.” It can’t change the outcome, but giving the player agency to describe and define their failure can help to make it a satisfying story. Of course, I also made Phoenix: Dawn Command, where death is actually how you level up… learning from your losses is what makes you stronger, rather than always succeeding.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) September 21, 2022
I love this but I feel like you have put a chair in front of the player, ya know, turn it around so it’s backwards and then sit in it. Look the player in the eye and say, “now son, tell me what you did wrong there?” 😂 I mean, Dad jokes are a thing; maybe it’s time for Dad DMing. “I’m not ANGRY that you failed your Perception check, Brad; I’m just DISAPPOINTED.”
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) September 21, 2022