if Eberron were first designed today, would dragonborn & tieflings (now core PHB races) also be dragonmarked races? Dragonborn and tieflings are still “exotic races” in 5E. To me tieflings are more interesting when they’re rare; I don’t really want a nation of tieflings. So personally I wouldn’t make them a Dragonmarked race- just as changelings aren’t Dragonmarked, despite being core Eberron.
— Keith Baker @UKGE (@HellcowKeith) May 27, 2018
As for Dragonborn? If I was building a setting from scratch today for 5E I’d at least think about giving them a bigger role. But for Eberron, I’m happy with the approach we took for 4E (and I played a Dragonborn PC for over a year!).
— Keith Baker @UKGE (@HellcowKeith) May 27, 2018
Plus, anyone can have an Aberrant dragonmark… and in fact, my 4E Dragonborn had an Aberrant Mark, as did his changeling companion.
— Keith Baker @UKGE (@HellcowKeith) May 27, 2018