@mattcolville hey Matt I have a question if one of your PCs wanted to cut off a limb of their opponent in battle how would you handle that as far as rolls and rulings?
— King_Dulce (@lostsoul4293) June 28, 2019
I'd let the player know it's easy to do, they just need to reduce their opponent to 0 hp and the limb of their choice will go flying off. https://t.co/8Xkrf8tqGO
— "Matt Colville?" (@mattcolville) June 28, 2019
I am usually of the mind that telling them “Oh! If you’d like to introduce that kind of thing into the game, sure! Take an attack at a higher difficulty/AC. Just remember: enemies can now aim for YOUR limbs too” handles the topic well. If they want that danger, then so be it.
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) June 28, 2019