If you’re the dm, does that still count as you “playing” dnd? If are you only “playing” if you’re a player/pc?
— Harli Kane🐈⬛💋➡️ PAXU🤓 (@harlihero) November 2, 2021
Hehe sorry, I meant, “are you only playing if you are player/pc?” I recently asked some friends if they have played dnd and one responded that he has only dm’ed, so he’s technically never played. Which sparked this question
— Harli Kane🐈⬛💋➡️ PAXU🤓 (@harlihero) November 2, 2021
Also, I believe that the DM is playing. Just wanted to get opinions 😊
— Harli Kane🐈⬛💋➡️ PAXU🤓 (@harlihero) November 2, 2021
Like many here, I too think it counts as “playing” D&D if you are the DM.
— Anthony Joyce-Rivera (@Thrawn589) November 2, 2021
No one plays more than the DM
— JOE MANGANIELLO (@JoeManganiello) November 3, 2021
I think so! Even though it's more prep, I have more fun as the DM than I do as a player.
— Justice Ramin Arman ➡️ PAX Unplugged (@justicearman) November 3, 2021
Somewhat vexed that no one linked this!
— Matt Colville? (@mattcolville) November 3, 2021
Yes yes the DM is playing dnd! They just come at the game from the other side.
— Taymoor (@DarkestCrows) November 3, 2021