in eberron is there any precedence for time traveling adventures? Or maybe in DnD general from an older edition? One of my early RPGA adventures — The Delirium Stone — took adventurers back to the War of the Mark. Exploring Eberron notes that Xoriat is a potential path for time travel. Other than that, I don’t know.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) July 5, 2021
surprising, I expected some high/epic tier threats and powers to have some Time capability
~God/Ancient Dragon magic
~Sora Teraza
~Kythri chaotic time
~Mabar (decayed future)
~Dust Rajah / Overlordsas DM i could empower these, but I appreciate your feedback
Oh, when I said "I don't know" I meant "I don't know if there are other existing time-travel adventures out there" not that I didn't think that there was any other path for time travel. Any of the ideas you suggest are possible. However…
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) July 7, 2021
I wouldn’t involve the Lords of Dust or the Overlords. We’ve established that they use the Prophecy to shape the future rather than to alter the past with time travel; I’d argue that even if they could with epic magic, they’d fear that they’d be destroying their own timelines.Likewise, I wouldn't personally involve Mabar. ExE clearly explains how Xoriat interacts with time travel. Kythri and Thelanis relate to time in unusual ways but I'd stick to Xoriat as the primary path for actually being able to break timelines.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) July 7, 2021
Likewise, I wouldn’t personally involve Mabar. ExE clearly explains how Xoriat interacts with time travel. Kythri and Thelanis relate to time in unusual ways but I’d stick to Xoriat as the primary path for actually being able to break timelines. If you're dealing with glimpsing possible futures or drawing echos from the future, there's any number of options. And epic magic—dragons, even Sul Khatesh—are certainly valid.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) July 7, 2021