in regards to being Spellscarred, I have a question about the Linkletters from Neverwinter: it seems as though Mrs. Linkletter was eventually able to control her mind and her transformation, if only because of, well, the power of love. However, Mr. Linkletter was 1/2 2/2 not so lucky. Is that due to some difference in what Rhazzad was doing, either alchemically or while casting a spell, or was that what we would mechanically call failing a saving throw?
— Jon Forel (@Jon_4L) January 26, 2019
Not just what Rhazzad was up to, but due to differences in personal body chemistry and brains. In ALL matters of magic, things differ from being to being, place to place, and situation to situation; magic always = art, not a science. So yes, saving throw failed. ;}#Realmslore
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 27, 2019
I really hope you can. Your old Dragons of the North section is one of my favorites from the 3.x days. I hope to see it updated some day.Sean Reynolds superbly updated them once, but some of those wyrms are vain enough that they'll stand still for any number of subsequent rebuffings. ;}
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 28, 2019