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In the creation of story modules, how do you go about your creative process?

Comment Hey Chris, thank you for doing this, and for answering my many questions on Twitter (especially the Yartar burning question). Two questions: firstly, how much prep do you do per week with SKT? I spend about 4 hours a week doing prep, and I still feel under prepared with how much my party gets into the scenarios.
Secondly, in the creation of story modules, how do you go about your creative process? I’m always interested in the processes people use to take their ideas and turn them into reality.Before each session, I type up a “one-sheet” — a single sheet of paper that I put in a binder. Written on it is the episode title and date, the list of cast members present for that episode, a list of key NPCs, a very brief summary of what I expect to happen (what I call the “TV Guide sysnopsis), and some notes on what happened previously.
Modules have a 2-year gestation period from initial concept to delivery, and coming up with the stories is a team effort. It’s highly structured, with lots of deadlines. I’ve been working on the story for 2020 this past week, just to try to get ahead.from discussion Chris Perkins AMA.
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