is Eberron tilted on its axis like Earth? Does it revolve around the sun? Eberron has seasons similar to Earth, so it’s presumably tilted on its axis. The sun has never been discussed in a canon source that I’m aware of, but given that there is a day/night cycle and Dol Arrah is a sun goddess, probably. Although…
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) February 9, 2020
… Since it’s never been specified, if you have an interesting alternative that fits a story you want to tell, explore it!
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) February 9, 2020
If that’s the case then why are Fernia and Risia only coterminous during northern hemisphere summer and winter? Personally I don’t consider the 3.5 ECS assignment of coterminous/remote periods to be absolute or accurate, but I’ll discuss that in more detail in the planar section of Exploring Eberron.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) February 9, 2020