Is there a reason why Aerdrie Faenya was left out of the creation of the Dancing Place even though Hanali Celanil & Sehanine Moonbow were present with the other elven gods?
Reference Volo’s Guide to the Dalelands pg. 157. Yes, but not an in-game reason.
At the time of the writing of that lore, Aerdrie Faenya was "off-limits" due to being considered for use in a licensed third-party computer game. I wasn't a TSR staffer and so wasn't privy to the details.— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 26, 2019
Ahhh so it’s safe to say that as part of the Triune goddess she would have been there retroactively? Oh, yes!
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 26, 2019