Is there coffee in the world of Midgard? In the Forgotten Realms? @koboldpress @TheEdVerse guys?
— Lou Anders (@LouAnders) January 25, 2019
maybe in the Southlands?\Yes, there is, under various names. And other coffee-like drinks, too. "Kav" and about six other names (many of the early TSR staff existed on coffee and all of them made sure it was in the Realms, separately ;} without noticing I'd already put it in there).
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 25, 2019
There is definitely coffee in Zakhara, particularly in the Pearl Cities region. Main coffee production in the Land of Fate is around Ajayib, City of Wonders.
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) January 25, 2019