I've really been enjoying looking at the #dnd multiverse through the lens presented in Fizban's. The fact that the worlds co-exist within the game's greater setting creates so many cool opportunities for storytelling, world building, and the connection between myth and fact.
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) February 2, 2022
As an example, in our Tomb of Annihilation game last night we learned a creation myth for froghemoths, a monster that debuted in Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. So in my games froghemoths originated on Faerun, then were picked up by mind flayers in a space ship… (cont.) That ship traveled to Oerth and crashed in the Barrier Peaks, introducing froghemoths to the Greyhawk setting. That sort of interaction between worlds is really inspiring me lately.
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) February 2, 2022
With the family of gem dragons in Fizban's being so intricately tied to different facets (heh) of existence on the Material Plane, leaning in to draconic echoes and using gem dragons as connection points between disparate worlds is compelling.
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) February 2, 2022
The Elegy for the First World just opens up so many cool storytelling possibilities. I've been thinking about draconic echoes, the suggestion that previously separate deities are now possibly guises of Bahamut and Tiamat, and how that can both be true and false at the same time.
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) February 2, 2022
To me, its the casualness with which Platinum Daddy embraced “Mess around and Find Out” Culture via avatars of varying scale
You could quite intentionally roll a level 1 Bahamut PC who really is in it for the life experience, before he decided whether to Pull some cosmic trigger I love it. Bahamut essentially relearning what the Material Plane has become, by experiencing it first hand!
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) February 2, 2022
My brain has been doing this when I do things like reading 3rd party products as well these days, thinking about how the multiverse might flavor Exandria or Midgard while I’m digesting setting information. I was thinking through exactly that with Exandria's Divine Gate. Related to the concept that Eberron is a sequestered world from the rest of the multiverse, inside a crystal sphere of classic Spelljammer weirdness (Jeremy talked about it on stream a few years back. Fascinating).
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) February 2, 2022
YES! It’s also super interesting reading Strixhaven, through the lense of Fizbans! Thinking about this place where folks from so many worlds congregate to learn or teach magic, created by those five founder dragons. So many possibilities!! And the explosion of magic when two worlds collided and forced conflicting magical/reality philosophies into coexistence is particularly cool when you think of two shards of the First World crashing into each other, like chunks of meteor debris.
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) February 2, 2022
The main highlight for me with FToD was the Elegy for the First World. I love the idea that the dragons are the true masters of nature in the material plane, leading to interesting religious tension for Druids, and the events gives Bahamut and Tiamat so much depth as characters It also has cool, potent implications for worlds like Eberron with the dragons, Draconic Prophecy, and the Gatekeepers.
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) February 2, 2022