Hi @TheEdVerse ,
Hi Ed, I've heard of Iltyr the "Blind but All Seeing" as a beholder cult that preceeded worship of Tyr in Cormyr. I'm also aware of the Xraunrarr as a beholder group trying to infiltrate and control parts of Cormyr's society. Are the two linked in any way?
— FR Alt Dimensions (@FRAltDimensions) March 8, 2020
No, they’re competitors. The Xraunrarr repeatedly tries to manipulate the Cult of the All-Seeing (which is what they call themselves these days), and the Cult resents it and tries to harm Xraunrarr members. The Xraunrarr 2)
…adopted the usual attitude of superior disdain most beholders do towards “foolish” humans, but this has recently been shaken by the realization, in the wake of Cult attacks on Xraunrarr members, that the Cult knew where…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 8, 2020
Several merchant cabals and minor noble families are under the sway of either beholder group, but it’s up to the DM which ones.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 8, 2020
Several merchant cabals and minor noble families are under the sway of either beholder group, but it’s up to the DM which ones.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 8, 2020
It's so funny that evil alignment beholders worship a good alignment deity. What is the cult's dogma and how do Tyr and his priests think of this cult?
— coolguy (@coolguy73360922) March 9, 2020
Cult beholders worship Iltyr because they define “justice” as what they want it to be.
Bringing law and order to society, so that everyone obeys them, as they see themselves as rightfully atop the pecking order and not making errors.
So if the Cult prevails, 2)
…they'll assume their "rightful" place atop society, served by humans and other "lesser creatures," and this will be accepted, so they'll not have to concern themselves with revolts, violence against them, and so on.
Other Tyrrans want adherence to justice, …#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 9, 2020
…and so will (sighingly) accept those who do it for their own self-interested reasons, just so long as they do it.@Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 9, 2020