@ChrisPerkinsDnD Mr. Perkins, I've a burning question to ask. What would Lord Neverember do if a true heir to Neverwinter were found?
— CaffeinatedConquests (@CafConIsOn) February 14, 2016
Lord Neverember would use his considerable resources to make the true heir "disappear." https://t.co/wldDbHNmvo
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) February 14, 2016
@ChrisPerkinsDnD @CafConIsOn So Neverember is evil? I thought he was neutral.
— Danilo Kartalovic (@Dindomir) February 15, 2016
He's not evil. He's acting on what he believes is the city's best interest and genuinely wants to guard Neverwinter. https://t.co/BjbcBntEKq
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) February 15, 2016