@EthanClowdoes the ‘lucky’ feat/trait apply to death saving throws? #dnd5e Yes
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) November 24, 2014
Does a Halflings “Lucky” trait also count towards death savings throws?
@matthewmercer @mattcolville @Wizards_DnD Quick Question: Does a Halflings "Lucky" trait also count towards death savings throws? Thanks for any input! pic.twitter.com/gN1mhiHxjv— Clip Pleb er (@Cliperlol) April 9, 2018 It is considered a Saving throw, so I imagine it could be used in that instance!— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) April 9, 2018
Does Resilient Feat train you in Death saving throws?
@Mazoshi1987Resilient Feat. lets you train in a saving throw, Can you train in Death saving throws and what stat would you increase? nope, death saves are their own critter.— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) May 4, 2016 @Mazoshi1987 No.— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) May 9, 2016
For death saving throws, do lucky, portent and halfling luck work to replace a natural one?
@JeremyECrawford for death saving throws, do lucky, portent and halfling luck work to replace a natural one? Or are they treated as mods?— Sabrina Henderson (@Claire_Tigress) October 16, 2016 Lucky and the like can replace a roll of 1 or 20 for a death saving throw or an attack roll.…