@BrailSaysCould we please get an official RAW ruling on +damage to Magic Missile/etc? Very heated debate about it on the reddits >_>
"Could we please get an official RAW ruling on +damage to Magic Missile/etc?"
If you summarize the issue, I'll tackle it.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) January 21, 2015
@BrailSayssay you have +3 to spell damage from feature. Magic missile 3 bolts. +3 per bolt or flat +3?
"say you have +3 to spell damage from feature. Magic missile 3 bolts. +3 per bolt or flat +3?"
Depends on the feature's wording
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) January 21, 2015
@BrailSays evo wizards lvl 10 feature? don’t know exact words
Empowered Evocation does benefit magic missile's damage roll.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) January 21, 2015
@BrailSays+x per bolt,even on same target?
Yep. It's one damage roll, just like fireball, but that roll can damage the same target more than once.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) January 21, 2015