Tinkering with two-weapon fighting again. I want to get a sense of what people think feels right. So, do you agree that a character wielding two weapons should deal damage that is about midway between the average for a one-handed wielder and a two-handed wielder?
— Mike Mearls, but Spooky (@mikemearls) October 23, 2018
I don’t understand why someone dealing two weapons, who is a master of two weapons, wouldn’t be able to do the full damage on both weapons. It’s usually lighter weapons that are dual wielded anyway, why not give the full d4 or d6 +proficiency for the second weapon? The big thing is that at low levels, it’s super good compared to the other options, then comes back into line once fighters/rangers/paladins get their second attack.
— Mike Mearls, but Spooky (@mikemearls) October 23, 2018
Somebody was telling me their RP concept for a dagger/sword character literally yesterday. We were also lamenting that daggers are so worthless… Funny thing – if you set the off-hand attack to be a dagger without ability mod, and give one extra dagger attack per normal attack, the damage is almost a perfect match to wielding a two-hander
— Mike Mearls, but Spooky (@mikemearls) October 23, 2018
Reduce damage but give syle bonuses like a sparing stance where you do not attack with second weapon put get a Parry bonus. A ready stance that allows a reaction off hand . And a double slash in place of attack action. Think options not damage. This gives the fighter and arcane trickster both ground to use it . Not two weapon fighter rangers fighters palys with a style more damage over other classes with the same option. Just two attacks or Parry bonus to armor or a reaction attack. Pick on your turn.