@TheEdVerse I have a #Realmslore question! Moanderites aren't really depicted as being likeable or forging alliances. Was there ever a time when this wasn't the case, and if so, who held strong alliances with the Rot Lord and his faithful? Was he ever inclined to take human form?
— Matthew Dawkins (@clackclickbang) August 23, 2020
There was a time (not long before Dalereckoning began, so before “Year Zero” DR) when Moander took humanoid form, rising up to fill a cowled robe but dripping out of it disgustingly (rather like a Worm That Walks). 2)
At this time, Moander was trying to persuade mortal worshippers and his fellow gods alike that he was the equal of Chauntea and Silvanus, and rightfully so, as part of a natural cycle of all life, and that he shouldn’t be seen…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 24, 2020
…as evil, but inevitable and necessary. Only a few gullible mortals believed him, and only briefly, thanks to his corruption of everything he touched; the decay horrified both his clergy and lay worshippers, save a handful who… 4)
…maliciously enjoyed spreading it. So, no strong alliances. The logical alliance would have been with Shar, but she saw him as an upstart rival, to be spurned, and his behavior towards her did nothing to soften that view.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 24, 2020