@ChrisPerkinsDnD @JeremyECrawford @mikemearlsIf a character succeeds a Con save against poison from food, would he know something is up? My DM accused us of meta-gaming when we tried to restore a poisoned PC after he passed out.
— Master Gorfordel (@Gorfordel) March 8, 2017
@Gorfordel @ChrisPerkinsDnD @JeremyECrawfordHe said those who saved wouldn’t know about the poison. Thoughts? it's up to the DM and specifics of poisons – many don't have clear symptoms #wotcstaff
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) March 8, 2017
In the real world any poison capable of inducing symptoms like unconsciousness would like likely show other symptoms like somnolence, numbness, or sense of intoxication or altered reality. A poison that paralyzed somebody might cause numbness or loss of sensory perception or tetany. There could a poison that does some other affect that either has no symptoms, or paradoxical effects. A sedative causing jitters for instance.